Friday 25 January 2013

Music video analysis

morning parade us & ourselfs video research.

Close up shots were used in this video so that it shows the band and who does what, it shows the lead singer as a close up to show the importance of him in the group. also establishing shots of where it was being filmed and set were also done to show what type of genre the band are and how they are different to other bands. Also casual setting behind the band with dull and dark color show that the band can work wherever they are and that again it isn't the appearance that is important to them it is their music.

Also there were use of shaking of the camera to show the speeding up of pace in the video and it also picks up as the beat in the song gets faster. Most of the shots are done in really plain and dimmed down color to almost make it look black and white and some shots are even done in sepia tone as shown in one of the images showing the location.

one night only say you don't want it video research

The shots in this video vary a lot. the image to the right is a close up shot of the lead singer, by doing this it shows the main focus of the band and the main focus of the video and also by using a dark and blurry background it signify them being a very indie rock type band by their use of tone and color. by having dark and dull colors it shows that their main focus is on the music not the appearance.

they also showed shots of the whole band like the one on the right hand side. showing the whole band with such a light behind them gives a dramatic effect and it also shows them in a casual stance as a band who are close as friends also.
In this video they also have a lot of establishing shots of places that they are filming in and where the video is being set in. at the start that is the main base of the video footage with a few flashing in shots of the band singing the song. by having the establishing footage it adds character to the video and all the shots are also in a rustic light and have mainly dull colors. for example the image to the left has a lot of color in it and is busy to look at but they have dulled down the color to fit in with the mood that the band want to create.

The video shoots from The singer and her producing the video itself and it also flicks to shots from the film 'snow white and the huntsman' that it was an over track for too, which makes the video more exciting.

When the shots are of her producing the video they are done in black an white to show the serious side of the production and the main creation of the song, giving the black and white effect and the close up angles of the camera it shows the seriousness of the genre being indie rock.

Also when the video ends it fades out with a bright white light to show that the video and song has come to an end, and throughout the video the shots flash from shot to shot and by the way that i editor has done this doesn't just show the band and singer to be centering their

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