Friday 25 January 2013

Band interviews

Night Engine Interview
-Intro of the guardians whole picture
-video of band playing live (Showing its all about the music)
Band Playing
-Their opinion of being in a band (mid-shot)
-Following the band
Producer then into a face to face- how to get noticed and into music, gigs etc.
-whole band interview relaxed setting  in their typical dress colours very one dimensional- mid shot wide
describing their gigs- all very small low key
Enter back into band playing live a little one on one music performance during the interview
Its all about the music get songs first build on it

Extreme close up- slight high angle
Gives insight to how song/album is produced 

I am Kloot interview
-bands music playing in the back ground- random shots of the recording studio leading to being in the recording studio.
-list of somngs they've got to record .
-Mid shoots of different members of the  band preparing for recording- mid shots
Still of cd album cover- mid wide shot. Blackand white casual pose all in jackets at the beach- panning.
Interview with band in the recording studio where they feel comfortable and at ease shows their passion for music mid shot surrounded by equpipment/
Solo interview of seperate band members- medium close ups and mid shot surrounded by equipment.
Solo interview of seperate band members- medium close ups and mid shots. In remote areas i.e stairwell.
Still of the band- black and white flicked through, seperate interviews with the producers on how the band formed and where they're heading
Back to the whole band inter view in recording studio why they work so well as a band.
more stills of the band.

 Artic Monkeys- behind the music
Well known song by band playing in the back ground random stills of band (Mianly lead singer) playing live
Colours of photos and videos- black and white or with faded washed out colour (red)
Most shots foucus and highlight the lead singer-> mid-wide angle shot.
Band informational at bottom0 song being played the instution and who its producers where- album name and when it was released.
Most shots include instruments in them further reinforcing the indie rock image and belief that its all about the music.
As the background music builds close ups of different members of band logo are flicked through quickly in pace with music.
Banner of Yellow arch studios- advertising
title of what you are watching appears.
Music fades and an interview with a producer and his opinion and thoughts about the band
follows brief interview with peter hook (joy divison/ new order) why he likes and thinks the artic monkeys will be sucessful
flicks through more stills of the band at various press events- mostly mid shots and wide angle
Flows into another interview-> based on why you HAVE to love the artic monkeys
Fades into a shot pf the band winning an award
more still photos

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