Monday 25 February 2013

Criticisms for Lisa

There were several individual comments, one individual said we were a rock band, but the following were reoccurring comments we have taken on board

  • Poor lip synching- we decided after filming that we wanted to do the shots in a different order that the song was and this lead to the lip synching being completely off.
  • Difficult genre Identification- possibly due to the music we used mismatched with the instrument we used in the video, also Will (Me) doesn't look very indie
  • Lack of personality- due to a very small time space, we only just about got one question into the video, which was edited down to fit into the production.
These problem were ones we have decided to fix in the following ways

  • We have decided to avoid the use of lip synching in the final product
  • we have done a more in depth look at the musical influences and used more suitable music 
  • Omitted Will (me) from the video 
  • Given the wider time bracket we will have more time for questions 
  • We have decided to use more personal questions in order to give the project more personality.

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