Tuesday 22 January 2013

Who is our Audience

Audience analysis

Fan site; http://www.cracked.com/funny-1677-indie-music/

Cracked is an indie site, which is so popular it has almost 200 people who commented on it, who gave the following statments, "Jimmy Eat World isn't gibberish. They got it from a drawing one of the bandmate's siblings made about how Jimmy ate the world." "To the people that never really listened to it they immediately look at it s different and pass it off. There are credible musicians in every genre and people like different stuff." 

Cracked itself seems to have a  seemingly rigidly set idea of what indie kids are like, "Fans of indie music, or "indians" as they like to be called**, are passionate about everything. They discover a life changing band three times a year, they are involved in a constant quest to individualize their look, and have to keep up with a hectic concert schedule."
In cracked, it seems to have winks at you to say that indie kids think they are better than they are (which is not true in anyway whatsoever) with self aware quotes such as: " if you are a guy...make it possible for you to court* girls that would otherwise be way out of your league. Yes...Indie music is kinda like magic in some ways....bearded magic. ...*Indie slang for (Censored)

What can we learn about our audience from this? 

  • Some Self aware qualities 
  • High knowlege about their favorite bands 
  • Insights about music in general

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