Tuesday 22 January 2013

Logo design Ideas

Logo Design

From the Logo's above

  • Indie groups often only use sans serif fonts (See 'For one Night only' 'The white stripes' and 'Oasis) on their logo's or some times in a peculiar font (See Florence and machine logo and reverend and the makers logo)
  • Images if any, are usually simple shapes (see oasis and reverend and the makers) 
  • Colours don't usually go beyond Black and white, with the execption of the white stripes, incorparating a solitary colour other than black into the mix 
From this our Logo is going to go under the following  design features
  • Sans serif text 
  • Italic and underlined to go with a sort of news paper aesthetic.
  • Rectanglar shape.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very informative. It is very interesting and i have enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I’m happy i found what i am searching for.

    Custom Logo Designs
